Montessori Elementary Homeschool Blog - with documentation of our infant Montessori, toddler Montessori, and primary Montessori experiences; as well as preparation for the upcoming adolescent Montessori homeschool years.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Upper Elementary in AMI

Upper Elementary in AMI

Every once in a while I hear that AMI does not "seem to have much for the 9-12 year old." I have to admit I am perplexed by that statement. As a mother of an almost 10 year old boy who is in the middle of upper elementary right now and "started" elementary a bit "early"... well, he's still pretty busy. On the one hand, I am entirely amazed at what we have accomplished, but we also started elementary at 5 1/2 (giving us more time) and he's an only child of a single mom who runs two businesses from her home and off/on has part-time work outside the home (read that as: lots of free time to avoid school work and play with Legos instead). On the other hand, now the DEEP work is part and parcel of our everyday lives, I can't imagine adding anything MORE to what we do ;)

Here is what I see when I look at AMI albums compared to other albums, in no particular order:

  • AMI albums have a general presumption that a child has done all or most of the work in the primary albums. 
    • A child not coming primary IS given remediation sections in mathematics and language to "bridge" into elementary without that previous background. These DO NOT repeat the primary albums, nor do they take as long. A normally developing 6 year old starting elementary Montessori can anticipate being less than a "year behind" his peers by the 3rd year of elementary, and likely not even that much. I say "behind" in quotes, because no child is truly behind - he is where he is and we work with the child in that place (this is what following the child means - following his NEEDS).
    • I personally strongly encourage use of the sensorial album with new elementary children; utilizing the presentations as "challenges" rather than presented work. It generally takes less than a month of daily sensorial activities to lay a strong foundation (while doing other subject areas of interest/need). But that is just my personal experience speaking.
  • In general, AMI has fewer materials, with more use of the same material in a variety of ways, going deeper with the one material rather than spreading out to more materials.
  • AMI lays the foundation and expectation for a child to go deeper with his work, ask his own questions, seek out answers and collaborate with others. There are cues along the way, begun in primary and continued throughout elementary - we do not provide all the child's math problems for example, but provide prompts of the sort of math problems to create on his own - we can monitor his work and prompt areas that need attention.
  • Upper elementary (ages 9-12) does not entirely repeat 6-9 - but all concepts are reviewed. Since personal research is encouraged from the get-go, by the time a child is in upper elementary, he should really be going much deeper with his work. Review concepts in history, for example, and most if not all upper elementary students should be delving into their own personal study of local national history, state/province history, and another area of choice (generally children have an area of history they flourish in - GO with it).
  • AMI does NOT bog a child down or remove his imagination, creativity, or passion for learning by dictating every single study he does. AMI provides keys - a foundation and a framework - then provides guides for following particular interests (Goings Outs, history question charts, reading great literature and delving into the language used, music experiences with the tone bars, economic geography, etc.). If a particular child or family has a particular interest or value, there is now time to follow that particular pursuit because you do not have 6 hours of schoolwork dictated to you for every day of upper elementary.
  • AMI does not utilize some materials in lower elementary that WERE used in primary, that some other albums say are still necessary at lower elementary (some of these items, such as the small bead frame, are not even used in AMI remedial mathematics at the elementary level - yet it is a "crucial" material in other elementary albums --- all those concepts can be covered with the large bead frame and NOT slow a child down) ---- thus beginning to go deeper, sooner and freeing up time/effort at the upper end of the age spectrum, when children in the well-run AMI schools DO get into algebra in 6th grade (not ALL children do! even at the best top-notch schools - again, we follow the child --- but here is another point: many children do NOT get to all the presentations in the math album and have more to do as they enter the adolescent plane of development.... so how can there not be enough in math?)
  • I can ALMOST see the concern in language - there is less "dictated" - there are less "direct lessons". This is a benefit to the child if they have done most or all of the official lessons in the language album before getting to upper elementary. Now they can explore IDEAS, delve into speech, debate, drama, writing papers in one style, then re-writing in another style for comparison ---- hitting on all those extensions of the early album pages that they weren't ready for in lower elementary or didn't have time for (because of all the personal research they were doing).
In summary, AMI is so RICH with the actual keys and with the individual paths of the children, that the only thing I can fathom in trying to understand "there's just not much there for an upper elementary child" is that "there is just not much there for an upper elementary child's parent to directly teach (if all the "lower elementary" work is done)". If all the lower elementary isn't done - well, there is what an upper elementary child can jump into, have fun and explore!

If a child has done ALL of the suggested work for the lower elementary child, here is a generic (not near as detailed as it could be) run-down of the work for an upper elementary child:
(please keep in mind that most children will not get to all suggested topics in lower elementary, because their interests and needs are elsewhere; some will delve into upper elementary topics earlier, but will need to get the other topics later)
(music is not included here - follow the child entirely on this one)


Chapter I: Creation of the Earth/Idea of the Universe
God with No Hands - experiments - follow-ups
Additional Creation stories
Composition of the Earth
Further Details of the Composition of the Earth (stages)
Formation of the Mountains

Chapter II: Nature of the Elements
Further States of Matter
Different Ways of Combining
Separation, Saturation, Super-saturation
Attraction and Gravity
Extensions of all of the above

Chapter III: The Sun and the Earth
Time Zone Chart
Tilt of the Axis: Solstice, etc
Seasons and the Two Tropics: terminology from tilt

Chapter IV: The Work of Air
Review entire chapter; cover anything missed; select follow-ups to research

Chapter V: The Work of Water
The River
The Rains - Erosion
Ocean Waves
Spread of Vegetation
People in Different Zones

Chapter VI: Human Geography
Human Geography (Economy)
Overview of Local Government
Study of Natural Resources - Introductions
What is Produced and Where
Study of Consumption
Study of Consumption - Follow-Up (extensive)
Comparison of Production and Consumption
Imports and Exports:
Volume of World Trade
World Commerce
FINAL NOTES: Children should be studying in areas of interest (astronomy, physics, geology, etc.) Topics of less interest will be covered in middle/high school.


Biology – Botany and Zoology
Botany Experiments and Exploration
Story Material
Dissection of Animals

Biology: Classification
Kingdom Vegetalia: Classification
Familes: Continuing Classification
Geneaology of the Plant
Tree of Classification:
Kingdom Animalia: Classification

Biology: Ecology
Ecosystems - variety


Chapter I: History of Language
The Story of Communication in Signs
The History of Written Language
The History of Spoken Language

Chapter II: Grammar and Syntax
Compound Words - Conversations
Additional Grammar Symbols
Verbs - Simple Tense: Present
Verbs - Simple Tense: Past
Verbs - Auxiliary Verbs
Verbs - Simple Tense: Future
Verbs - The Perfect Tenses
Verbs - The Infinitive and Moods
Verbs - Negative Form of the Verb
LA: Simple Sent w Extensions - box 2
LA: Simple Sent w Extensions - on paper
LA: Verbal & Nominal Predicates (linking verbs)
Elliptical Sentences
Order of Sentences
Voice of the Verb
Voice of the Verb - Dictation
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences - Adjective Clauses
Complex Sentences - Adverbial Clauses
Complex Sentences - Noun Clauses - Direct
Complex Sentences - Noun Clauses - Indirect
Complex Sentences - Noun Clauses - Subject
Complex Sentences: Degrees of Dependence

Chapter III: Written Language
Written Language Part I & 2
Historical Investigation
Variety of paper
Exploration of grammar books
The Content of Children’s Work
Factual Writing - Various forms
Imaginative Writing - Various forms
Research and Note-Taking

Chapter IV: Spoken Language
Poetry Reading
Dialogue 2: Interviews

Chapter V: Literature
Introduction to Literature
Linguistic writing research
History of English Literature - research
Book of Kells
Songs and Verse
Hymn of Caedman
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
American Literature
include selections in the classroom
studies of authors and lives
Children’s Literature
older literature selections (pre 1900s)
1900s literature selections
Children’s Literature in the United States
Read and listen to books
Biographies of authors
Goings Out related to literature
Other explorations

Chapter VI: Style


Group Division
Group Division & Word Problems

Decimal Fractions
Relative Size of Terms/Numbers
Division of a Decimal Fraction by a Decimal Fraction
Leading to Abstraction of Multiplication of Decimal Fractions
Division of a Decimal Fraction on Paper

Squaring and Cubing
Squaring with a Hierarchical Value: stages
Pass From One Cube to Another
Cubing a Binomial
Cubing a Trinomial
Cubing a Quadrinomial
Cubing a Trinomial having Numerical Value
The Story of the Three Kings
Cubing a Number with Decimal Value
Square Roots
Square Roots - Abstraction stages
Special Cases - stages
Square Roots: review process and rules
Cube Roots
Cube Roots: Review concept and rule

Other Topics
Signed Numbers: Negative Snake Game
Signed Numbers: Operations (stages)
Powers of 2
Powers of 3: Full work
Powers of 2 and 3: Combined
Powers of 10
Operations Using Exponential Notation
Expanded Power Notation - Intro and Operations
Word Problems
Non-Decimal Bases: Intro and Operations
Conversion of Number Bases
Balancing an Equation using operations
Solve for Unknown: Operations
Algebra Word Problems
Solve for Two Unknowns
All stages in upper elementary typically


I. Introduction to Geometry
Various Geometry Stories from History
II. Congruency, Similarity, Equivalency I
Review all concepts in Upper Elementary
IX. Equivalency III
Equivalency with Iron Material: stages
Euclid’s Plate
X. Area
Concept of Area
Deriving Formulae with the Yellow Material: stages
Deriving Formulae with the Iron Material: stages
XI. Circle I
The Circle Nomenclature
Relationship Between Lines and Circumferences
Relationships Between Two Circumferences
XII. Circle II
Area of a Circle (stages)
Relationship Between the Apothem and Side of a Plane Figure
XIII. Solid Geometry
Concept of Volume
Equivalence as Related to Solid Figures
Three Important Dimensions
Equivalence Between Prisms with Various Bases
Derivation of the Formula
Solids of Rotation
Volume of the Pyramid
Volume of the Cylinder and Cone
Lateral and Total Surface Area of Solids

FINAL NOTES: Use 6th year to review and consolidate all concepts


The Coming of Life Story with Timeline
The Black Strip
Fundamental Needs of Human Beings – Charts --- some portions start in year 4
History Question Charts
Three Phases of History
Second Timeline of Human Beings
Migration Charts
Four River Civilizations
New World Civilizations
Timeline of Civilizations
Timelines for Memorization
American History (National History)
Personal Timeline
BC-AD Timeline

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Learning to Read - changing the words on the page

As my son was allegedly "learning" to read, he would make some of the following changes to words on the page:

"three angles" on the page, he says, "triangle"
"Holy Trinity" on the page, he says "God" (or vice versa)
"Mary" on the page, he says "Mother of God"

His mind was seeing the words and interpreting them - and the words coming out of his mouth were on the same topic, and appropriate, but NOT what was on the page.

Makes me wonder ---- all these years later.... is it possible my son was already reading at 2 and 3, but because he wasn't speaking, he wasn't sharing what he was reading (and Montessori does not require reading out loud from the youngest children - they should read and match labels with objects, follow commands, etc. - other ways of showing their comprehension ---- or practicing the words away from the adult and reading the words aloud when comfortable).

I wonder if some of our angst could have been spared if I had adjusted my in-the-moment expectations and just trusted that he COULD read (even when he was reading aloud, then afterward saying he couldn't read because some girl at school told him he couldn't).....

Friday, March 14, 2014

Album Tables of Contents

My Keys of the World website is in transition right now - I thought the sub-folders were working but they are not.... so no-one can purchase on that site! And that means that all the Montessori album tables of contents are NOT available....

So for the time being, I am posted them here:

--- a new page on this blog. Albums are available at Garden of Francis (all ages) and Keys of the Universe Elementary (elementary and adolescent; individual albums or complete set).

Saturday, March 1, 2014

REVIEW POST: Primary Grade Challenge Math - Zaccaro

(UPDATE 10/28/14: We have added Upper Elementary Challenge Math to our repertoire and couldn't be happier :) See the associated Montessori Trail post.)

Legoboy has another New Love:

Challenge Math by Zaccaro

We are starting with this one - covering grades 1-4 for "gifted children".

I ended up purchasing the entire of books in this series for several reasons:
  1. looking for a good set of word problems to review earlier concepts
  2. Montessori math and geometry do not align with any other available curriculum (I group the Montessori-inspired curricula options somewhere in the middle)
  3. Something just didn't sit right with me concerning the other options. They are useful; I will not say don't use them (especially if they are working great for you! Keep going with what works!) - but there was a mis-match for our family, my principles and my understanding of Montessori. 
  4. This set of books (there are several in the series) are designed for gifted children - children of younger ages who have particular gifts that correspond with typically older children. 
  5. I wanted to review them for the sake of other families looking for a resource to fill a similar need. 
  6. This series also includes some of those allegedly missing concepts, perfectly tying them into the included album pages (associating money with decimal fractions, converting into percents, etc. (NOTE: Please do not flame me in comments regarding missing concepts - I've covered this topic before, I am not saying Montessori is wrong, and I'm not saying the concepts aren't there - I am fully trained, I know where the concepts are and where they fit in. Comments of a flaming nature will be removed. I'm done with flaming when I speak peacefully. Thank you for speaking respectfully.)

Word Problems: 
     A few people have shared a few solutions to the dearth of word problems - and the lack of time to create their own (and my lack of time to create my own!) for each and every concept. Especially in a sporadic co-op/tutoring, mostly homeschooled by himself situation, there just aren't classmates around to pull up the caliber - and I am one person unable to cover everything (stop laughing!). ;) 

Montessori Mathematics and Geometry Studies: 
     Montessori math and geometry use hands-on materials to bring the children to the point of abstraction. In some areas, it seems that the children hold on to the materials longer than their public school counterparts, but once they release the materials, they are almost always ahead in conceptual understanding. Where we have children not able to apply the concepts, we have a situation where the adult likely didn't assure the child was working with appropriately challenging work and likely didn't ensure there were appropriate real life word problems and experiences available. 

Not sitting right: 
     What is about the other options that didn't sit right? I think because they are geared towards public school curriculum, several of the options have already been re-written to correspond to Common Core (the dumbing down of our country's children), and I just don't want to participate. 

     In addition, I really wanted something that more closely resembled Montessori. Life of Fred is a great complement to Montessori elementary mathematics but there are few word problems. 
     I think this is my main thing - I don't want to dig into 4th grade books to find word problems to give to a 1st grader, just to find math skills that fit.  

Young Age - Older Work: 
     Isn't that the mis-match of Montessori to other expectations again? 

Perhaps my reason are the same thing over and over - with different words: I wanted something that better corresponds what we are doing as compared to constantly tweaking, reading, adjusting, pulling "7th grade" materials for a 2nd grader who isn't "special" in that way, but simply has been given the tools to go deep with his understanding.... I was (and am!) tired of tweaking already!!!!

What we are using: 
     Legoboy is 1st year upper elementary, or 4th year elementary - and I would NOT say he is gifted in this way. However, he has received the keys provided through Montessori throughout his life. As a "4th grader", we started with the primary level book to review past concepts - kind of catch up in the word problem category. We did great for 1st-3rd grade, but I'm done tweaking (have I said that yet!?) and I have to be done looking too. 

Legoboy loves it! He is actually working out the math in his head or on paper as needed, then he challenges me with it. Even with Life of Fred, I have to "encourage" him to record any work, or answer out loud. He just wants to read the story (although he can do the math in the books). 

How it is set up: 

Each chapter contains some background/how-to-solve information on a particular topic - most is review for Legoboy, some is new or said in a new way. Then there are 4 pages of problems - 1-2 page(s) for each "level". The chapters can be done in any order, but easier concepts are towards the beginning. Chapters can cover a variety of topics but are generally somewhat grouped together.

The four core books we will be using are the following: 
  1. Primary Challenge Math - grades 1-4: Includes chapters on Sequences, Problem-solving, Money, Percents, Algebraic Thinking, Negative Numbers, Logic, Ratios, Probability, Measurements, Fractions, Division. This book includes topics that Montessori has in upper elementary. Guess what? That tells me it is likely to trust a child's abilities and correspond well. I am NOT disappointed. 
  2. Upper Elementary Challenge Math - grades 3-5 (this is available for pre-order, shipping in April)
  3. Challenge Math - grades 4-9: Includes chapters on Astronomy, Algebra, Problem Solving, Percents, Fractions, Decimals, Ratio & Proportions, Physics, Statistics, Probability, Metric System, Perimeters, Area, Volumes, Trigonometry, Calculus
  4. Real World Algebra - grades 4-9: Includes chapters on Language of Algebra, Geometry and Algebra, Proportions and Algebra, Physics, Levers, Pythagorean Theorem, Percents and Algebra, Simultaneous Equations, Algebra and Money
We also have the following that at first skim have been great: 
  • Becoming a Problem Solving Genius: A Handbook of Math Strategies
  • 10 Things All Future Mathematicians and Scientists Must Know (but are rarely taught)
  • 25 Real Life Math Investigations That Will Astound Teachers and Students
  • Scammed by Statistics: How we are lied to, cheated and manipulated by statistics and why you should care

I am working on something of a correlation between the AMI mathematics album and these books - slowly creating a correlation. I will share this on the Keys of the Universe Discussion Community in Excel format and will likely post it on this blog at some point in pdf format (this will happen faster if those who are interested, let me know - I'll prioritize it ;) ). 

Sample - Chapter 4 - On Money


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Online Presence

Keeping it Real
(was scheduled for the 21st, then I wanted to post about the economic geography stamps, so I've rescheduled this for the 26th).

A recent visitor to (apparently) all of my websites/blogs noted something interesting:

With the exception of Garden of Francis (which uses a minimal amount of stock photography), I use absolutely NO stock photos. All of the photography is either genuinely my own, came with the blog template (such as this one with the geese in the background), or is utilized from NASA's site (with proper permissions given/received).

Yes, that is MY son (Legoboy!) walking down that lane of trees at Grandma and Papa's home in the right side-bar of this blog.

Yes, that is me and my son enjoying dessert at (his great-)grandmother's 90th birthday party in my "profile" picture seen in various places (like the bottom of this blog in the footer above the flags).

I kind of noticed this "lack of stock" before - and I've had friends and web developers tell me I "need more photos of children" on my various sites, because it makes people feel cozier, more comfortable.

Well.... I do have photos of children - but 1) minimal 2) appropriately located 3) NO names. I do NOT have photos of children on any sites I am "selling" something (except my son, with me).

Contrary to efficient marketing practices? Perhaps. But I'm honest. I am not going to use a child to sell you something that doesn't stand on its own as useful for you.

And I want my sites to be "real" to ME. If I can't be real to myself, how can I be real with you?

There IS something off-putting (for me) when I visit a site that has a lot of stock photography - or minimal stock photography, but that's all they have - especially when I've seen some of it before or something similar. Interestingly enough, one popular Montessori album website has a particular stock photo up that actually VERY closely resembles a photo that came up on my Garden of Francis error page recently when the server was down. WE-IRD!  (no, the error page was not linking to anything Montessori related - it was simply putting up a rotation of education-related stock photos - and the photo was different enough to know it didn't COME from the other site - they are obviously both stock photos).

It is also off-putting to be on a Montessori album website and have only stock imagery - not even photos of Montessori materials or children in a Montessori classroom - but truly, stock photos that have nothing to do with Montessori.

I'd rather be on a site with no photos, than know that all the images I am looking at are "generic". Alternate, sub-reality or some such description comes to mind.

With that said, a couple of my sites could definitely use MORE images - just real ones ;) My sites are far from perfect!

Monday, February 24, 2014

"School Days" postings....

MBT keeps catching me ;)

I'm always sad that you don't do "school days" posts from your house. 

Why don't I? I've been asking myself a similar questions for a couple of years now. I'll post on projects, I'll post on studies, and I did do something of a sample day a while back (wow! Just pulled it up - it's from 2 years ago this month! and it was nothing 'special' but it was typical).

But really, looking at the previous post..... that's our days. We're pretty relaxed about specifics, but rigid about expectations - I expect the concepts to be mastered while balancing the reality of my son's needs. I run two businesses out of my home, teach in the atrium 5 days a week, tutor ever-changing groups of children; he has tae-kwon-do, his Lego projects and his books and games that he wants to get to, so he gets his chores done, works on his school projects mixed in with his other personal projects - and it all just sort of happens. Not always on MY time table (how many times it is 11 at night and I wanted to give a new presentation that day and need to hold off another day? Yeah, that has happened many more times than I care to admit), but when the presentation happens, it is always the "right" time.

Summary??? We just don't have "school time" - it is all mixed into our entire day. If I give a new presentation at 9 in the morning or 9 at night, is just based on our very-similar-to-unschooling approach. I have the responsibility to give him the keys; he has the responsibility to learn those keys, assure his "local educational requirements" (for this year: MY requirements) are covered; then he has the freedom to follow his interests along with the corresponding responsibility TO follow his interests, go deeper - and not just "slack off".

We have a routine, rather than a schedule.

There is one major difference between now and 3 years ago: at upper elementary, it is almost ALL projects now. Or studies of some sort. Less "new presentation on a specific skill" and more "develop the use of this skill previously learned". 

From 1st year of lower elementary -
life and school are "one"
Interestingly enough - without the Montessori materials
becoming "toys", they are part of our every-moment lives
For example in math: doing more difficult and/or more practical life mathematics problems, creating notebooks of the Primary Challenge Math (review post coming soon), working on his Pet Store math project (took a LONG hiatus when the computer holding that file fried - just pulled it off the hard drive last week).... We do have math presentations yet to do - in several chapters, but I know the reality is, I present the keys, we find a real life application for it and we review the concepts as needed. If we finish before adolescence, great (I think we will....); if we don't, there IS some wiggle room. Even if we continue to review concepts and go deeper, I fully anticipate we will have begun every topic/presentation before adolescence.

In language, he is "done" with the album, but needs some review with the sentence analysis work (mostly so I can check materials I am developing, but also for his own review), he reads and studies literature to no end, and he is increasing his depth of writing skills, he is practicing calligraphy --- but the official lessons are "done". He does need to get into a book discussion group of some sort (think "Junior Great Books" style would be perfect!). We'll continue to review the Great Lesson there. He is also doing Cover Story and writing some of his own creations.

In history, he is still going deeper and deeper with ancient history (LOVES IT!) and slowly plugging his way through US History (a huge bore for him - this has been a LONG process). He has also been going deeper with the history work in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium, getting more into typological studies, History of Israel and more. At least this work is pulling him more and more into closer-to-modern times. We'll get there... right? ;)  He is technically "done" with this album as well - but review presentations and going deeper with particular topics are always a necessary thing, even in the classroom. Now is the time for his own personal studies and interests.

In music, we are definitely "behind" --- too much else going on. NEED to get those tone bars set up at home! But he continues with the piano (slowly - he is mostly self-taught, so it's taking time), loves to sing, we analyze music, he loves classical music, and all things Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movies.

Biology - we're still going strong on the herbs. We're in need of doing the more complex scientific classification material; otherwise we've done the album a couple of times and will cycle through it again, going into deeper studies - with full-on animal dissections, using the microscope, and....

finishing up remaining suggested experiments/demonstrations in the biology and geography albums. We could probably work on some more memorization of things like state capitals, but we play a lot of geography games. And we do have some economic geography and a few presentations remaining in each of the chapters (except the first 2?) but honestly - not just very much "new" here - what is left is review and going deeper.

Geometry - we DO need to finish up the last couple of chapters. We just kind of stopped at one point. Interest is there - my own time is not. Area and volume concepts need to be thoroughly reviewed and solidified - all else is there.

Wow. Did I just say all that? He'd be in 1st year upper elementary at a Montessori school right now. With 2 more years to go after this one.

We are right now living exactly what I've been saying in all sorts of places: the AMI albums have allowed us to learn the keys, explore personal interests, have time for real life and relationships with other people, without having to worry about "getting it all in". Sure, there are areas I feel behind in - but I know the depth we've gone to, the amount of time Legoboy has spent in productive personal pursuits - and I'm not worried about it. I thought I was, but now I write all of this out - I'm not.

Non-AMI albums tend to have so much "more", but I'm not convinced they encourage the depth, the personal interest or the true follow-up work --- and I've seen so many families who could benefit from continued Montessori go elsewhere because they were either 1) overwhelmed with the number of presentations/materials or 2) underwhelmed at the response of the children.
And a recent survey of sections such as "human geography" (which includes economic geography) demonstrates that what is truly meaningful to the children to build up cosmic education and "peace education" - just isn't there in other albums. No wonder people keep asking me about the peace education components - I don't have them, because they are all deeply integrated into all of the albums I have.

The math album is HUGE and goes so much deeper than any other Montessori album - the concern there always seems to be on "fitting it all in". There is wiggle room, but again, if we are focusing on the keys, encouraging the children to go deep, create their own problems (with structured guidance from the adult), then they are truly mastering the concepts and CAN move forward at their own pace. If they finish before adolescence, great; otherwise, there is some time.

My son has had time for so many academic personal studies outside the Montessori albums, because he was given the keys, expected to master them, then set free to just BE himself.

To reiterate a point from above, because it is so often missed: I expect mastery of skills presented - and I expect that Legoboy will follow his interests and go deep with this studies. It is an inherent expectation, that when not present, does allow the children to fall into shallow work and never really reaching their own potentials. I expect it (in my words AND my actions), I assure the tools are available to make it happen and get out of the way when needed. :)

You know - part of this unschooling-feel is our school space. We don't have a school room or a school space. We have a home. We have an 850 square foot apartment with a library in my bedroom, sewing, tons of felt, wood-storage (the wood-cutting happens elsewhere), garden in the living room, school materials throughout every --- single -- room (Sh!! Our dissection specimens are in one of our kitchen cupboards - NOT anywhere near food, I promise), Legos (oh dear! do we HAVE Legos), art supplies, books everywhere. And yet, only the bedrooms are "cluttered" - the other rooms are just "full". My living room floor I keep clear. I need space somewhere to just breathe! I will post a "school-home" tour soon ;)

I WANT a dedicated room for school materials, even if we use it for other stuff too - just one place to display all things school. I sometimes wonder if I were ever granted such a gift, would I even utilize it as such - because we DO see all things we do as life-education. Maybe I don't want to change. I say I do. I think I do. But maybe... I don't?

Hm. ;)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Montessori Economic Geography Stamps - Now Available!

The Economic Geography Stamps are now available for pre-order at Garden of Francis. (click here)
UPDATE! They are NOW available for sale!!!

Shipping NOW! They will begin shipping out prior to March 1. I am taking pre-orders to see if it is worth purchasing the tackle-boxes and the wood holders in bulk, or just buy a few at a time as I need them.

My son is so excited! 

(ok, I am too!)

I am so happy to be offering these for substantially less than the ONLY other set available anywhere online that I can find - and they correspond with our KotU geography album!

By the way, side-note: if, as we are using them, anyone wants a different stamp image made, the process I'll be using can very easily accommodate this! In fact, after this first batch of these ones, I am going to look into making stamps of other images for other themes.

Montessori Elementary Economic Geography Stamps - corresponding with the Keys of the Universe Montessori Elementary Geography Album chapter on Economic Geography.

Each  polymer (not rubber, but like rubber) stamp image measures 3/4 inch at its widest; mounted on a 1 inch square cube - with the image imprinted on the top of each cube for easy reference.

Select which set you would like: the core set contains 26 images of mineral, plant and animal resources; the supplementary set contains 14 additional images in more specific items.

Each corresponding tackle-box comes with a cardstock print-out of the included images for that set.

CONTENTS CORRESPOND WITH AMI MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY TRAINING ALBUMS. And are most specifically designed for Keys of the Universe albums.

Purchase your own ink pads according to the color designations of your choice (see the elementary Montessori geography album for further details).

APRIL 2020: Links updated

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

AMI Primary into Elementary

My Boys' Teacher over at What DID We Do All Day? had this to say in a recent post on sentence analysis:

That's one thing I've never liked much about AMI albums.  The primary albums are so relaxed and breezy and "some of this is advanced work and you might not get to it."  Then the elementary albums are all stern business and like "the child should have covered all that in primary."  

She is picking up on this far more than I did - but I also went straight from Primary training (academic year) into Elementary training (multi-summer - so I started elementary a few weeks after graduating from primary, moving across the country in the between-time) --- and the training centers are probably (?) the two geographically closest centers to one another (don't quote me on that!). I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but with the general Montessori culture of that entire area of the country being AMI-flavor because of the wide-spread communities of Montessori that build up around training centers, I think it raises the calibre more than a bit. Also, the city of my elementary training has a large community of AMI public Montessori schools - they have a whole public Montessori school system! So I am sure THAT raises the calibre quite a bit.

Even in primary training, doing my observations (10 locations required, more preferred) and student teaching (2 locations), I did get the sense that "most" children DO indeed finish the primary albums - or come really, really close. Again - culture of the area? Plethora of elementary Montessori options, so the schools are preparing the children more?

Within elementary training, I also picked up on the early elementary work in each area of "what to do if a child comes in without ample primary experience". So for me, the flow was there, regardless if the children had the primary experience or not. And I can easily pick up with the elementary album and modify as needed - but that might be me.

So I got the transition part for every area. And don't personally see the disconnect as much (I'm not saying it's not there - it's just not as clear to me).

In all areas except ONE.

Clock Time.

In primary we were told, "This is an elementary work, but we could do some language exploration with it." In elementary we were told, "This should have been mastered in primary with basic math functions with time to practice now."


I submitted self-designed album pages to the assistant of my primary training course because she said she was looking to put something together - in hopes of collaborating to get some great album pages going. She never did anything with it (she was busy, to give her credit) - and I figured I would get the work in the elementary albums. Then... I didn't.

I have to admit - I felt cheated. But that could be tied into the reality of the training center I was at.
(new post coming on!)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Working-Mom Montessori: Shifting the Clock: This is Painful!

I never quite this post finished - because the title of this post is SO true!

I am naturally a night-owl - I do my best work in the evening hours after most people should be in bed and the world is quiet. I like to use my daytimes for being active and social.

I can sleep 4-7 hours a night (going to bed at midnight or 3 am), with a half-hour cat nap in mid-afternoon and life is wonderful. Get me up before the sun though - and life ain't so pretty.

I spent the first week SO incredibly fatigued all - day - long. I didn't know how I would get through the whole month. Turns out, a touch of almond oil infused with peppermint oil on each temple and real peppermint oil chapstick (coconut oil with aloe vera and peppermint oil) were all I needed to get rid of the fatigue-headache and help me re-set the sleep/wake rhythm for the time being. NIC!

The children and staff I have worked with this past month have been wonderful - I have offered my services to continue being the main sub for this particular classroom the rest of the year as needed. But hitting the brick wall of fatigue at 7:30 at night is SO not cool.

The nice thing is - I am so incredibly tired, I'm in bed by 9 every night, and am awake shortly before the 6 am alarm to be on the road by 6:30. I have all prepped the night before so mornings are VERY streamlined, involving VERY little (any?) thinking process at all.

This all means, I am sleeping far more than I usually do - and despite all of that, I ended up sick ALL MONTH.

I am fighting against my own natural rhythm and I am surrounded by germs I'm not yet accustomed to. I have had a drink with me that varies by the week: peppermint tea, warm lemonade, or plain water (each option with honey, echinacea, and maple syrup). I spent one week eating almost nothing but garlic to get rid of a painful sinus infection. While all my remedies/precautions helped, they didn't stop everything from hitting me - but they certainly helped me stay on task with the needed energy and focus. I have enjoyed each of the 4 snow days received during the month (ending up in bed, sleeping off illness each time!).

CAVEAT: When I say "past month", I mean to say "January". It turns out I added an additional (almost) full week (one more ice/snow day off - spent at home catching up on all sorts of little things - like washing 4 1/2 weeks worth of laundry. By hand.) of subbing.

In the end, I love every moment of teaching; and I will love every moment of being home again on my own schedule.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Adolescent Algebra - and More

UPDATE 2019: This review is for the original Algebra for the Adolescent. Mike Waski has now published a second version, in two volumes (one for lower and one for older adolescents) and has separated out the Geometry to its own album entirely. Please visit The Math Institute to learn about all the resources for adolescent math studies!

The algebra album has new lessons and even more photos than before, from all that I hear. And the first two chapters of the Geometry album? Yep. Spectacular!

Original Post:

At long last, there is an "album" for the adolescent age - at least for mathematics - and OH does it COVER mathematics!
Signed Numbers, Graphing, Lines, Inverse Operations, Inequalities, Exponents, Combining Like Terms, Factoring, Absolute Value, Binomial Theorem, Quadratics, Transformations, Sequences, Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Polynomials, Trigonometry, Complex Numbers, Further Work (Matrices, Vectors, Conic Sections), Calculus - ALL get their own chapters!

Then Geometry (a whole section on Euclid) and Arithmetic (one page description of what to do) each get an appendix. 

It is perfect! I love it! I can't wait to delve into it with my son (well, yes, I can, because I don't want him to grow up TOO fast; but I am also SO satisfied we have the perfect resource for the middle school and possibly early high school years).

It arrived via UPS yesterday. Yes, I paid $16 and change for shipping. I didn't feel like contacting them to have them send it media mail. I probably could have driven and picked it up for less, but it saved time. (Edit: 8/20/2019 - Shipping prices are different now with the new website, see links below)

It comes printed on front/back, 3-hole punched, ready for a binder....

Or 2 binders. I didn't want that many pages in one thick binder. So I split it, noting the chapter headings contained in each. It comes with two printed cover pages (presumably a "cover" and a "title" page, so I split those to the binders).

Fully Illustrated!!!

If you are familiar with Montessori math (NAMTA presumes you have training when you purchase this album), you will be able to follow along very quickly; the introduction chapter provides a good outline for how to work through the material with the children - not in linear fashion. There is also a flow chart in the appendix which shows initial presentation (everyone gets one way or another), suggested follow-up presentations (not everyone "needs" - some things the child needs to demonstrate understanding one way or another; some things are entirely optional) and the ultimate key experiences (all children should get to those ones).

If you are new to Montessori math, the wordy introduction might be overwhelming but will be VERY helpful.

The materials list is decent, although it lists chapter number rather than presentation needed for (but, ahem, that is more information than the Keys of the Universe albums provide - only listing the material and not even the chapter or specific album page it is used for. Yes that organization is in progress! ). 

GUESS WHAT!? Those expensive wooden squares and cubes we elementary Montessori homeschoolers keep balking at the price for a few small elementary presentations!? And think we might just going to skip? Yeah. They're in here! I am so happy - it means more work with them, more use of a somewhat expensive material - and more fuel for my adamant stance that we don't need "more" materials - we just need to go DEEPER with what we have.
(for the record, I did try to think of cheaper alternatives; in the end, I went with the wooden set from IFIT - I am 100% pleased and I know I can re-sell them if/when the time comes)

Indeed, there are very few new materials, comparatively speaking; most of which can be hand-made, with instructions included; or find relatively easy alternates. 

Other elementary materials include (I'm not promising I am covering it all here - there could be more as I'm just browsing quickly down the list): 
  • Geometry sticks
  • fraction circles
  • bead bars, squares, cubes
  • wooden cubing material (noted above)
  • Powers of 2 and 3 (AMI only includes the power of 2 at elementary; but the power of 3 is available)
  • Second and Third Pythagorean Insets
  • Binomial Cube (my friend! the link here is about the trinomial, but the concepts apply)
  • Checkerboard
  • Pegboard
  • Fourth and Fifth Power Material (not included in AMI KotU albums - other albums may use these???)
  • Special Triangle Box (the box of 12 blue right-angle triangles)
  • Yellow Material (area and volume)
  • Large and Small Solids

  • no page numbers noted in the table of contents. ANNOYING. 
  • needs tabs to find the chapters (because of no page numbers) - easy enough fix. 

This album covers a LOT of ground at just over 800 pages. I could imagine using this material for the equivalent of 7th, 8th AND 9th grades, with possibly some of it being a foundation for additional high school studies - it gets into trigonometry, etc. We may very likely do this album for middle school, then see about placement testing or other testing into/out of high school math courses (or seeing how Life of Fred fits into the whole thing when the time comes - I cannot yet say if there are enough credit-hours here for which courses on a high school transcript - I need more time with it, comparing directly with actual trig coursebooks, for example).
EDIT: after attending his workshop, there are portions here that are solidly high school. This album set goes all the way through. 

I highly recommend picking up this resource when your elementary child is around age 10 - so you can have time to get organized with it ---- the author suggests that some of the work could begin in elementary with a ready-child; and the AMI albums (including KotU) have work that COULD bridge into adolescence. So you'll want some time to get a feel for it and find what path your child will need.

From a Facebook post in 2015:

A tidbit for anyone who owns the Montessori Algebra for the Adolescent album/book by Michael Waski ----
pg 221 has a typo he wants corrected: it should say "multiplication over addition" in the next to last line.

And get this - the algebra tiles that are used a LOT? They can be made out of foam-sheets (not foam board - that would be too thick - just the foam sheets that can easily be cut by hand! Awesome stuff. (the algebra tiles include the "green/gray counters" and "skittles" noted in the album)

Links for it (non-affiliate):
The Math Institute (also has some of the materials available for sale)
Table of Contents (will be updated soon)
Samples (will be updated)

I am writing this review on a snow/ice day with lots and lots and lots to do around our home - so I know I've not covered everything I'd've liked to cover. Please ask any and all questions and I'll respond with what is pertinent to what people want to know :)

Caveat: I cannot answer how this album aligns with following any elementary albums besides the AMI ones, because I have only seen tiny portions of non-AMI upper elementary albums.

6/15/2019: Updating to reflect a longer-term link for purchase and to note: GEOMETRY is now available as well!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Adolescent Algebra-Plus Album

I just bought this with part of my subbing income:

It will arrive in a couple of days.

I'll let you know my follow-up thoughts after this coming weekend.

My initial thoughts based on TOC and several samples:
I like it. It seems to follow quite well on the AMI elementary mathematics album; a 12-13 year old could finish up the end of the AMI elementary album as needed, then move into this album.

I'm not sure there are many illustrations though. I have been able to follow the samples based on my knowledge and experience with the AMI elementary mathematics album.
UPDATE: Plenty of illustrations! Woohoo!

More thoughts to come. Curl up with some warm peppermint tea and my favorite blanket in my cozy chair that I've not seen for a few months now (it's buried - time to resurrect it!).

(for the record, my final thoughts won't be for a few years yet - not until my son finishes it - and he's only just about to be 10 - so it will be a while ;) ).

Friday, January 10, 2014

Home Science Tools - Geography and Biology Supplies

Montessori Keys of the Universe KitJust a quick post today to remind everyone moving along in the elementary albums or those who are preparing for next year --- Home Science Tools carries a Montessori kit that includes most of the science supplies needed for AMI Elementary Geography and AMI Elementary Biology. If you have Keys of the Universe albums, your materials lists will specify further details. If you have other AMI albums, check those albums for a materials or scan the materials for each album page.

If you have other Montessori albums? I can't guarantee a perfect or even a close match - however, Home Science Tools is a fantastic source for your science supplies regardless of doing Montessori or something different. They cater to small schools and homeschools. Fantastic customer service, fantastic prices, small amounts of chemicals....

The kit is 10% lower than purchasing the items individually; and coupon codes DO STILL apply - so a free shipping coupon is great (they have a flat rate of $7.95 regardless of order size - I ship out a lot with my Garden of Francis business - this is a fantastic shipping price!) - or a 10% off coupon still takes another 10% off the kit itself. I bought mine for $83 or so. Their computer automatically generates the kit price according to current prices of the other items.

Caveat: chemicals can only ship to continental US (check your order contents if you live elsewhere).

NOTE: If you live elsewhere, contact me with your location, and the science supply companies that you do have access to - I'll see if I can set up a kit or package with them for Montessori homeschoolers in your area.

Home Science Tools

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Working-Mom Montessori: Domestic Sanctuary

No matter the circumstance, all of us want to have our home be a sanctuary - a safe place from the worries of the world - not an additional source of worries in itself.

But when our time at home is limited by full-time out-of-home employment and even 1 or 2 evening activities, it doesn't matter if the children are homeschooled or not (or even if there are children or not!), a home is easily made messy and there is insufficient time to maintain it.

Stay-at-home and work-at-home moms do NOT sit around doing nothing all day and still end up with a clean, organized home! The ones whose homes aren't pristine, are not necessarily doing nothing either - a home takes time to maintain.

So what we can do to minimize that maintenance load so as to maximize family time and to minimize additional stress?
That utilizes Montessori principles of order, respect for all persons in the environment,

I am a huge advocate for "use it or move it". Not that I practice it (anywhere near!) perfectly - but in the areas I have used it, the peace that flows is something wonderful!

Before going to full-time employment - or the first full off-day you have - or before starting homeschooling full-time (especially if you are pulling children out of school) - or before preparing to move - or any plethora of pretty major life changes:
I always recommend you take some time to do what I call "mindless purging".

This does not mean to waste anything or to throw something away you KNOW you will use in the next 5 years (some people say 1 year - but when I have items that I know will be used by an older boy than I have and it's not easily replaceable? yeah, we're keeping it ---- or when my son was a toddler, I had Christmas decorations I wouldn't use at that time (home size, family daycare regulations, single parent to monitor usage) but I would when he got older - yeah, we kept those too).

So be discerning, but don't get hung up on the emotions. 
  • Make a "gift" pile (items to set aside to use as gifts for birthdays and holidays - label them with the recipient if one comes to mind quickly - or just place it in that box/bag)
  • - and a variety of "donate" piles - local thrift shop is the obvious - but does your local church use a Montessori-based or materials-based religious ed program? or do you have other materials that could be donated to the church religious ed program or the office? to a local pregnancy crisis center? other collections that could take used items? 
  • if it's NEW and you've not used it since its purchase and you don't have specific, realistic plans for it - consider donating it to the places that can only take new items
  • or return it if you can. 
  • Recycle what you can. 
  • Throw away only as a last resort - irreparable items, inappropriate items, and the like. 
Get the children involved in this process - if you're about to start homeschooling, this could be the transition from school to homeschool: getting the home in order, learning about community resources and what each one serves, interacting with people in the community - all those things that non-homeschoolers don't realize are real socialization ;) 

Your goal is a home free of "things" that drag you down, that eat up space, that contribute to stress levels, require maintenance (even such as dusting - a home is so much easier to breathe in with fewer items in it that aren't routinely moved and used, meaning less dust) and that otherwise make your home not a sanctuary. 

Now, some people like lots of stuff, or think they do. That's great! Just make sure it's stuff that you like and want and will enjoy - not just stuff for the sake of stuff. 

Another area to get the children involved in. This is typically best for a different day than the de-cluttering day. And you may not get everything "done" before a deadline you have (starting full-time work, moving day). 
Have to start officially schooling by a certain day? That is negotiable - here's why: 
  • Almost all projects I can think of around my home, count as ART. And many include Practical Life skills ("home ec" if you need a credit - track the hours)
  • Got stacks of photos to get into a binder or photo album? The children can help with that - it counts as art - throw in some family stories for social studies - these will not be full credits if you have children at the age of needing credits (track the hours though in case they decide to go off on a related study that would add up to full credit), but elementary and middle schoolers? this stuff is perfect! Preschoolers can help trim pretty paper, be the runners for supplies, help prepare basic snacks. Get all the children involved (except the infant who only wants to eat truly internalize the current project) - this child can be set at a table with some claywork or crayons and paper. 
  • Sewing to do? Again - have the children help. At least to observe what you do so they can learn too. If they need/crave to do something with their hands, give them some scrap fabric, needle and thread and let them practice stitching together the edges or creating Xs or creating lines. Draw a simple design on a piece of fabric and let them do a back-stitch or straight-stitch over it, while you are doing the main work. This keeps the children involved even if they can't help with the actual project - and hopefully they CAN help with the actual projects. 
  • House repairs? Teach the children. It might take a bit longer, but then they learn. Have them help with all possible and observe the rest. Talk about what you are doing. Learn WITH them if needed
  • If you have a true deadline - PRIORITIZE. What needs to be done for the sake of the deadline that would cause a financial burden? A relationship burden? An emotional burden? In that order. (normally I put relationships first, but if we're talking about moving out and needing to make repairs to avoid high fees, or you could be evicted if the particular project isn't done by a particular time - well, that contributes to the relationship factor ;) )

I know this is listed above as part of the projects - but let's look at the bigger picture. You simply aren't Superman or Supermom - so how are you going to decide what really needs to be done first? 

The words are simple anyway: 

Go through your day. What do you need to have in place (or gone) to run your day smoothly. 

Make it happen. 

That "simple" - and that tedious. At the same time.

Need a bullet-point list? 
  • Morning routine: what is it? Mad dash to the bathroom to comb hair, get dressed and use toilet in that order (yes, this is my son's routine - even when he really has to use the toilet). Can you simplify any of it? What do you WANT to happen. Now make it happen: have clothes out the night before and in the most convenient place; breakfast items out and prepped the night before when doing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Assure all items have their easy access home. Whatever it takes. 
  • Meal preparation: are the dishes and utensils you always use always hidden in the back of the cupboard? Keep THOSE items out - the ones you use every. single. day. Don't put them away - have a nice place on the counter for them. Have items you never-never-never use? Gift them; donate them; sell them (don't trash them, that's wasteful and poor stewardship). Items you rarely use? Those ones put away. 
  • Coming home: I am the type of person who wants to come in with my load of groceries or whatever it is, but then I need a minute to re-connect with being home (some aspect of asperger's I have heard) - so I'll go to the bathroom or change my clothes BEFORE putting groceries away. So I'll have a change of clothes ready and I won't place the grocery bags (or anything I am bringing in) in my path to that end of our home. But then I want everything put away, cleaned up, bags stored, and I want to SIT with a loved one and a treat - to reconnect with the relationship AND the home. This is the sanctuary part. 
  • So I'll think through - I want the entry way clear when I get home, so I'm the one cleaning it up on my way out - to protect that sanctuary time later. This is SO much more easily done when there are simply fewer ITEMS to sort, store, clean. We have a closet for our coats, so our rack has one (maybe 2, depending on the season) jackets per person. Legoboy's tae-kwon-do bag is always on the hooks so we're not spending time looking for it (he changes his clothes when he gets home and returns the bag to the hooks - a process we thought through to bring us some peace and consistency). I also want our dining table clear enough to place a purse on when I get home; and so we can eat without cleaning it up while we're hungry. (the dining room table is also my "office" - it gets filled up fast). 
  • These little things add up - in time, patience, in peace
  • Bedtime routine: what do you want to do with this? Snuggle time with the children, then work time for you before sleep? All go to sleep at the same time? Think through how/what you want to do here and think ahead to the morning - while you are putting on jammies, you can be setting out clothes for the next day; while brushing teeth, wipe down the sink and counter. 
  • Cleaning: If you'll be working full-time out-of-the-home - or even full-time in the home - you may not have blocks of cleaning time (or you'll have to pull time away from relationships). So don't think in blocks. Think in nibbles: as said above, brush teeth and wipe down the sink/counter; once a day or every other day (depending on the number/gender of local inhabitants), when you use the toilet, spray it down with white vinegar; take a shower, spray it down with vinegar on your way out; the time you're not spraying down the toilet, wipe up spots on the bathroom floor; washing dishes - wipe down all counters, surfaces, handles, light switches with the same water (before it gets dirty); have two or more levels to your house - take stuff with you when you go up/down; MAIN THING: JUST PUT IT AWAY - don't say "I'll set this here and put it away where it belongs not 10 inches from where I placed it" - and then never do it - JUST DO IT. TRUST ME. 
  • Mail In/Mail Out: Deal with it as it comes; OR have one time a week that you take care of it. Whatever your routine, have one - and stick with it. Don't let it pile up. Most of it can go to recycling anyway (more and more areas have a place where you can drop off your paper recycling and they earn money for it - if you're willing to make that trip vs going to the recycling center for everything or if you can put office paper in your curbside recycling). File what is needed. Whatever it is - when you do sit down to go through the mail, finish out the process for every item. Don't set it aside for later. NOT worth it! 
  • What else do you do in your day? What routine will make it go more smoothly? What physical objects are in the way? or could be in a more accessible location? Adjust whatever is needed to make it go more smoothly. 
  • Want a weekly movie night with the family? Have the movies in one place; have the items for popcorn making in one place in the kitchen. 
And if it doesn't fit with your life? Go back to the first category above ;) 

Humble pie - this is the master bedroom.
The result of starting with chaos years back
S-l-o-w-l-y getting through it.
In my additional defense:
we don't heat this room in the winter;
and I really have no defense.
There is stuff here I just don't have TIME to put to proper use.
Son's portfolio and scrapbook; stuffed animal repair;
sewing projects to finish and post on Etsy;
my own "scrapbook" type stuff;
routine materials used for Garden of Francis.
Not that many categories, but it sure adds up.
The children who visit, use the books - a LOT.
Everything else just needs to be DONE.
At least my whole home doesn't look like this ;)
because I already applied the above principles to the rest of our home. 

However, I did wake up to this sight in my living room this morning.
Apparently I did some re-arranging in the middle of the night,
cleaned out the file cabinet drawers,
and left these out to freshen up their organization.
Ok. Off to it! 

UPDATE: After writing this post, I did get through the files above. I was able to recycle two plastic grocery bags full of paper; sell a set of continent folder files; add to my plastic baggies collection; and ultimately consolidate all those folders (two drawers' worth) into ONE. I then sat down and did my taxes. Before the government even had their paperwork fully ready.

Of course, we're snowed/iced/windchilled in, so that helps ;)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Working-Mom Montessori: What are we going to EAT?

Use the tags at the bottom of this post to find the other posts in this "series". See the original post about what is happening in our home here: Temporary Change of Routine

Life while working takes a decent amount of planning anyway - if want to maintain the goals of eating properly, having a clean home, plenty of family time and that family values are being shared and enhanced.

Now throw in homeschooling.
And tae-kwon-do.
And atrium.
And maintaining 2 website businesses.
And most importantly, time with loved ones.
(or whatever blend your family has in the mixer!)

But before all of that, every member of the family needs to eat properly and have clean clothing.

When I work from home, we can kind of let things slide - there is a lot of flexibility when I know I can start dinner preparations at any time - or have Legoboy pull something from the freezer. Being out of the home - requires planning - unless we want to run to fast-food all the time (that would be a NO).

Regardless, even when home "full-time", we still use OAMM: Once a Month Meals. We use it every 3-4 months. It helps us to have things on hand - and a neat new feature on their website is the ability to mix and match recipes from their variety of menus; truly fine-tuning it to meet our family's needs.

No more breakfast in bed....
at least for a while. 
But we don't typically plan a MENU from those meals. If we know we have guests coming over, I'll prep appropriately. When we have items that are perfect for packed meals out of the home, that is where they are used. Otherwise, we go with whatever works. Over the course of any given month we get plenty of fresh fruits and veggies along with our cooked foods. The benefits of being home all day and stocking healthy food!

Now that I will be out of our home 5 full days a week, we'll need to actually plan. I'll have 4 days a week of packing my own lunch; he'll typically eat with whoever has him, but I'll want to send something for him to share with others. Breakfast needs to be quick (and we can't do cold cereal first in the morning - at least I physically can't). The evenings we have tae-kwon-do or a later atrium, we'll want items we can warm up quickly or pack to take with us or I can put in the crockpot after school and have it ready to eat when we are home from TKD; evenings we will be home can be something that takes a bit longer to prep (oven-prepped items for example). Weekends, we'll cook up something that we won't mind eating throughout the week through re-heating it (or eating it cold).

But I need to take a look at our schedule and coordinate the recipes appropriately.

Since my subbing position is a one-month thing, I think I will plan for most of the month, day-by-day - kind of OCD-fashion and NOT my preference. If this were going to be an ongoing thing, I am not sure if I would want to plan for the entire month - maybe just 2 weeks - it more depends on the reality of the situation when in the middle of it.

The goal here is to eat properly - healthy, enough, not too much - but not spend just TOO long in the kitchen because there is also family time, education, and downtime to consider. And still get in the daily healthy stuff we LOVE and our bodies CRAVE: yogurt smoothies of various blends, gelatin (real gelatin, not jello), turmeric, local honey for the boy.

So we plan the menu (Legoboy helps, yes) --- we do the shopping --- then we spend one evening and one full day doing nothing but food prep. Hm. Have to find the time to do this. A necessary thing to save SO much time later. It's worth it; just coming up FAST. In fact, we will likely be in the middle of our food preparations as this post goes live (writing it a week ahead).

This time around, I'll create a chart to show what to take with us on each day; what to take out to thaw and when; etc. Definitely too OCD for my liking. I just want the month to go smoothly, because I know what an emotional wreck this is going to try do have in me.

Oh - and here's a big one I completely forget about when talking to other people but just caught myself DOING without thinking about it:
Get a sharpie. LABEL items for when they should be consumed.

This is a great technique, too, for when you've bought some great item in bulk to save lots of money but you know (or think, or hope they won't!) you and/or family will end up eating/using more of that item than usual - and in the end, you've not really saved any money.

One time, I bought up a case of graham cracker boxes - one of those fantastic sales and I was actually able to stock up. I allotted one box per month (for the two of us) and only bought enough to cover until the expiration date on them. So they have a "use by" date and a self-added "OPEN AFTER" date as well :)

I do the same thing with ranch dressing (one of my very few remaining chemical-ridden items in my kitchen - I know there are better options, I just haven't gone there yet).

All this labeling - it really helped us learn self-control. And we don't use it just as much anymore --- but with the upcoming month, Labeling is Back.

UPDATE (prior to posting -  I just don't feel like editing) - I have to forego the OAMM plan this month because we have so much in our freezer and fridge already that needs to be utilized (when I do OAMM cooking, I need to start with a nearly empty freezer)

Part of our plan -----

  • oatmeal is always on hand; mix up a few instant oatmeal packs (with properly healthy ingredients of course)
  • I have frozen sour-dough pancakes yet I can split into serving bags - warm up and eat with (homemade) jam and (local) maple syrup. YUM! 
  • hardboil some eggs for each week or two weeks - to have one in a lunch and one for a breakfast for each of us each week
  • sausage-egg-potato mixture (can't remember what it's actually called - warm it up in a skillet with coconut oil - add some himalyan salt - and perfect morning meal!
  • hashbrown scramble (it's actually parsnips instead of potatoes) - again sauteed in some coconut oil and delicious! (it's actually only tasty when it's warm - gets cold and bleck)

  • lunch-meat and cheese sandwiches - make them a week or two ahead and freeze
  • leftovers from suppers when the sandwiches need a break
  • rotate through the fresh veggies in the fridge until those are gone
  • clementine every day
  • daily bone broth - YUM! 

Snacks (and rotate through lunches): 
  • smoothies
  • granola bites/balls
  • homemade cookies (my style of homemade cookies ;) )
  • marshmallows (homemade - all-natural - actual health BENEFITS)
  • fresh fruit
  • fresh veggies
  • handful of nuts (almonds, pistachios)

Suppers - to use what is in our freezer already: 
  • soft shell taco "packs" (baggies in the freezer - pull them out - thaw - cook - eat)
  • alfredo sauce and pasta (can mix it all together and warm up in skillet)
  • homemade mini-pizzas - just can't decide on the style.... 
  • turkey soup and dumplings (can sit in crockpot all day; add dumplings when we get home; set the table, get selves oriented and all will be ready to eat)
  • turkey/spinach burgers (because we have them)
  • something labeled "tie" (probably "thai"-something but Legoboy thought to be clever - I can't find the recipe card for it though. This should be fun ;) ). 
  • working on the rest
We do the Eastern Rite fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, so meals on those days are modified to suit. 

This week, we came home (from a week away to a very cold region) to warmth and dry roads; went to bed; woke up to 3-5 inches of snow covering EVERYthing. Winter weather warning. Right. No grocery shopping today. Good thing the freezer is more full than I thought it was - we won't need that full day cooking. Just a partial day. ;)