Montessori Elementary Homeschool Blog - with documentation of our infant Montessori, toddler Montessori, and primary Montessori experiences; as well as preparation for the upcoming adolescent Montessori homeschool years.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Square Roots Videos - NOW POSTED

My son left us in November. I still have many unedited, unposted Montessori lesson videos to share with the world.

I will edit them. I will get them posted. My Joshua is the star of the show. Both wonderful and absolutely heart-breaking. 

This weekend, I created the videos for the Square Roots - they are edited and posted for all Keys of the Universe mathematics owners. 

Where can they be found? 
  • Keys of the Universe course page with the albums:
  • Keys of the Universe discussion community (private link for those who purchase the online support)
  • Keys of the Universe Montessori: - online support and/or the videos purchases will get you access. 

No bloopers this time. But in the months since my son's passing, the golden bead units have come up missing, so here is a clip of me using the green beads in place of gold for the units! 


  1. Hi Jessica,
    I am passive beneficiary of your entire blog journey. You and Joshua have been angels through your blog in my understanding of Montessori !
    May God shower you with the choicest of blessings !

    1. Thank you! Joshua is dearly missed but I do have many more posts to share of his Montessori experiences!
