Montessori Elementary Homeschool Blog - with documentation of our infant Montessori, toddler Montessori, and primary Montessori experiences; as well as preparation for the upcoming adolescent Montessori homeschool years.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

REVIEW POST: The Montessori Index

This little publication has been out of stock on Montessori RD's website for a LONG time, but it is still available through Nienhuis. 

Now, it took a month from the time I placed the order to the time it was sent out (I had ordered plastic pin map flag pins with the book) and 2 days to be delivered super-fast by FedEx. 

The Montessori Index is 154 pages long. And it is just what it says - an index only. Wow! That's a detailed index!

Originally published in 1965 and updated in 1987.

Three pages listing the books included. There is a section on religion as well - just 3 (needs to be updated - does not include The Child in the Church, Religious Potential of the Child Volumes 1 and 2, among others)

41 editions of books written by Maria Montessori and 37 editions written about Montessori - there are some duplicate titles, being different publications or editions. 

Not included (this is a list off the top of my head - please let me know if there are other more recent publications!)
  • 1946 London Lectures
  • Psychogeometry

The list of books does not list publication dates but does list publisher and notes if there is an "old" edition. 

The Table of Contents is 29 pages long - just telling which page to find a particular entry on:

Then the entries are pretty detailed - including the abbreviation for the books mentioned and the page numbers (versus a chapter number).

The Montessori Index does reference an appendix that doesn't seem to be present - "publishers and sources for the books indexed, and additional books by and about Montessori and relsted subjects."

This is a book worth having on hand - I will be highlighting the books/editions I own and fill in the years of publication.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Montessori Elementary Videos - Kickstarter Campaign

UPDATE! We did it! And the videos have started to be produced - look for them to be posted in small chunks in the very near future! THANK YOU EVERYONE!

I am looking to focus on making videos for Keys of the Universe elementary Montessori - a project I have been doing piece-meal for a few years. 

To ensure I can focus on this project in a timely manner for everyone, since I have been wanting to do this for a while, I started a Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds! 

Keys of the Universe on Kickstarter

Please share around! And see our Keys of the Universe news/articles page for the latest update.