Legoboy has been helping me in a BIG way of late...
Not only has he been taking photographs, learning to edit them, and all that photography entails, he has been bringing me food while I sit on the couch working and provides a series of snuggles and kisses to keep me focused and motivated.
And testing everything out for me, for you, for your children.
Ok, so anyone on Facebook the last 2 days knows that I was LOOKING for distractions. Sometimes when something is on the to-do list for a LONG time, it kind of takes over. The to-do list needs that item on it, it cannot, will not, never will budge - even an inch.
Thus, it was physically painful to do one hour's worth of work to finish up the Elementary Montessori Art Album for my wonderfully patient Keys of the Universe participants - it only took me 14 hours.
All day, our last full vacation day at Grandma and Papa's to boot. I thought that would be enough motivation to finish that last hour's work before the boys woke up.
Nope. So much for vacation (for the record, I don't know how to take a vacation, just to be clear).
But at long last.
Here it is!!!!
The e-mail announcement that just went out:
I am so excited to share a new addition to the Keys of the Universe
Album set - the art album is ready! It includes slightly modified
presentations from the primary albums (EPL, Language, Sensorial) with
additional album pages, skills and notes for the elementary child. What
key skills lay the foundation for a strong elementary experience that
allows for creativity and self-expression at all ages, especially in
adolescence (Margaret Homfray noted in one of her lectures the necessity
of teaching basic handskills to the younger children, so that they are
not "learning" a new basic skill during the emotional adolescent years,
when all they should be focusing on is expressing themselves with those
basic skills.
Table of contents is here: (click on the title of the Art album)
The art album is packaged with the music album here:
with Online Support (access to discussion community, downloadable
materials, resource sharing, etc.) here:
Or individually at Garden of Francis:
to print or download:
to download:
Living a Montessori Homeschool Life is like following a series of rabbit trails - they are all part of the same creation, with plenty of surprises along the way! We experienced infancy, toddler, primary Montessori and adolescent Montessori together - homeschool and life. My son LIVED. Come share the journey with us!
Montessori Elementary Homeschool Blog - with documentation of our infant Montessori, toddler Montessori, and primary Montessori experiences; as well as preparation for the upcoming adolescent Montessori homeschool years.