Montessori Elementary Homeschool Blog - with documentation of our infant Montessori, toddler Montessori, and primary Montessori experiences; as well as preparation for the upcoming adolescent Montessori homeschool years.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Orchestra Studies - Montessori Style

My son recently discovered a deep appreciation for orchestral music. And I was surprised. I couldn't even figure out why I was surprised, which was more surprising!

I know, that sounds psychotic.

Then we re-discovered this treasure, tucked away behind our little-used tv in the game cabinet (it's an entertainment cabinet, but we store games in it, along with a small tv/vcr combo, CD player, CDs, videos/DVDs (few), tapes (yes! tapes!) and some building blocks):

Can You Hear It?

And the pieces of my surprise-mystery fell together..... 

I have played the clarinet since I was 11. Self-taught, after years of self-teaching piano and organ; then a year of cornet in the school band. I was 1st chair most of the way through middle and high school; and played in a community band for a short time in college. 

I have memories of my son at about 8 months old INSISTING on putting his little fist into the bell of the clarinet every time I'd play. It was so adorable how focused he was on feeling that sound, but at one point he bumped things just right that the reed actually cut my lip and it was too swollen to play for many days. He would touch the sore spot gently and say, "Owie." And kiss it :) 

We've always sung songs - with our daycare children and friends; in the parish atrium; at our prayer table; at church; in the car. 

As an infant, my son would fuss in the car until I started singing; he was fine as long as he could hear me sing. Not talking; just singing!

But songs with words do not build an appreciation for the orchestra. 

We did listen to jazz and classical in his youngest years but somehow music got away from us and we just didn't listen to much music at all (except in the above listed places - we just didn't have time for radio or CDs - strange as that sounds). 

We DID have the movie Milo and Otis and there is some fantastic music in there! 
At around age 4, we picked up the book above - it is listed in a few Montessori catalogs and they had it at the Montessori school he attended at age 3. 

The inside images are works of art; there are questions and suggested things for which to listen within the corresponding music selections. He LOVED it. But again, time got away from us, the book slipped into oblivion and life moved on. 

Book cover: 'Our Musical Year: Songs of Faith, Freedom and Fun'For the last 3 years, we have been using Level 1 of the music program Our Musical Year - a resource that sadly seems to be out of print :( I am relieved that we purchased level 2 already. It is set up monthly, and has two CDs - one is the background music for each song, just one verse, played slowly; for the child to learn the tune and sing the song to; the second CD has enough repetitions for all verses and is normal tempo. The idea is for the child to learn to SING, not just to match someone else's singing. We pick a new song to learn each month; most months ;) 
Last school year, he spent fall semester in the church choir. He didn't want to do it, but I want him to have basic skills in a variety of areas, while he is still in elementary (this will pay off in adolescent years - more in another post). He ended up LOVING it; and sang for Christmas morning Mass. And asked if he could do another semester - so he did preparations for Easter. He ended up not singing Easter Mass because he became dizzy during rehearsal beforehand. Now, his singing voice just isn't there yet, so it's not that he's not allowed to be in choir again, but the choir director suggests waiting a couple of years.... ;) During this choir time, I would play the clarinet for him to hear the pitches. 

This only fueled his love for music further. 
Last November, we visited a music store recently when we visited family; he was able to play a couple of guitars and try out some drums while there, thanks to the very friendly and helpful staff. And he was exposed to all sorts of new instruments and sort through music books to find Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Little did he know I was there to price the lesson books for learning piano. Grandma ordered his new keyboard during our visit as a Christmas present, but we've not yet been back for "Christmas" - so he'll have a surprise next month when we go back!

By the time we got home, he had decided that he would like to learn the recorder (we have 2 of them from a college music class I took, along with a "teach yourself how to play recorder" book). He's ok at it - but he loves it and that is what matters. 
Right about this time, I set out some items I'd ordered a while back from a homeschool swap group: The Song of the Unicorn and the Story of the Orchestra

Song of the Unicorn

He was SOLD. The CD was a great combination of story (narration) and song (almost all instrumental). 

The orchestra book goes into each instrument, highlighting a song with that particular instrument in solo, as well as highlighting individual composers from different times, with just enough information for all children to learn (providing those Montessori keys) with enough left for exploration for those interested children. 

This is where I became so surprised. But should I have been? On the one hand, music has been part of our lives; on the other hand, there has never been a focus on instrumental music. 

He can pick out instrumental sounds I never could have previously; and he recognizes themes across genres. He can tell you the likely composer or at least the style of about half the compositions we hear; and he LOVES to listen to the classical music station in the car. 

Please. Nobody tell my 7 year old son that most kids his age are NOT like this. Fortunately, we spend a LOT of time with mostly homeschoolers - who at least accept each other's differences (most of the kids he spends time with are in the children's choir he was part of last year, if that says anything!). :) 

Yes, there are some primary level nomenclature and classification cards we could use for the orchestra. But he has started on his own charts and diagrams - why mess with perfection? ;)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Keys of the Universe - 1 Month Giveaway

Latest Giveaway for Keys of the Universe at Montessori Nuggets:

$40 value (so if you're in the 16-month course, it is good for TWO months!)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Metal Insets for Writing

Our original "metal inset" material - actually made out of foam-board:

foam-board; blue pony beads attached with wires strung to the back
racks made by me

These have served us well, but we've received a "gift" of new metal insets and I'll be offering these for sale soon. They could use a touch of an exacto knife for some rough edges that have appeared over the years; and maybe some spots of foam sheets on the back of the blue pieces so they lay flatter (the wire is secured by a small foam sheet piece. I've added little pads here and there but they fall off.

I've had these for 7 years; through well over 50 children: daycare, tutoring, friends of my son's, children of my friends, homeschool.... The memories... not the first Montessori primary material I made, it was certainly the first truly intensive one. I still have some of the foamboard left over from these - I was going to make the geometric cabinet insets, but never did find the time. I finally just made those out of wood, and was able to purchase the cabinet by itself (2 weeks later, I figured out how I could have made the whole cabinet myself too!).

I'll have to see if I can find some of the design work that was done with these.

Just memories....


Friday, March 23, 2012

Primary and Elementary Mathematics - Division

Are you planning to do elementary Montessori and already do primary?

Do this for one of the division materials and save yourself $15-ish plus shipping. Do NOT order the unit division board.
I asked my son to set this up with a sample problem so I could show you all;
he insisted that 2 divided by 1 was a "good example".
Hm-mm. :)

Order the Long Division material (Division with Racks and Tubes or Test Tube Division).

Put most of it away for most of primary; but keep out one green board, the set of green "skittles" and 100 green beads, stored in a box (the box that it comes with has 4 compartments - you could maybe use 1 for the beads, 1 for the skittles, 1 for sample problems and 1 for possible answers to match?). This will be used for unit division, 1 / 1 through 81 / 9.

Pull it out again in older primary for short division - leave three boards in storage and 3 sets of skittles. Short division work ensues (the children will do 7-digit dividends with 1-digit divisors).

Pull everything out in lower elementary for long division, which has an extensive album page - and it will be used through about age 10. Well worth the investment (if bought alone, it can be purchased from IFIT for $90-100 total, including shipping).

Already homemade the unit division material? Keep that material and add:
For Long Division, duplicate what you've done to create the remaining boards and skittles; purchase or paint the needed beads; and find racks which can be painted and that will hold 10 test tubes each (each tube needs to hold 10 beads). The bowls are easy enough to find at thrift stores or Montessori Services or other places - just paint accordingly.

It's a small thing, but on our homeschool budgets!? And perhaps space-limitation? It's worth it to buy one material and use it for a variety of purposes.

TIP 2: 

Repeat the above process for the multiplication! Don't buy the primary multiplication board - just use the red board from the Long Division material. The (red) multiplication board generally has 10 columns though, along with a slot for the number (we placed ours on top), so you'll have to adapt the presentation (we just only did through 9x9 on the board and worked on the 10s separately. It worked out fine.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Elementary Supply Area

Anyone who has followed me via Keys of the Universe or Montessori Nuggets or any of the Yahoo groups to which I belong, has probably heard me talk about the elementary difference, using the example that the primary child needs trays with everything laid out and a supply shelf to replenish as needed (but still a limited quantity). The elementary child will use that supply shelf as their go-to place, along with a stack of empty trays from which to choose the most appropriate one for their work at the moment.

Here are some photographs to visualize what I am talking about:

Typical Primary level layout
(note the aprons hanging above)
yes, I'd like them laid out with handles to left/right
but this is the size of our shelf for now
Point: visual of all items; lots of trays;
items needed for an activity are mostly kept together


Elementary Supplies drawers for Geography (science) -
we need about 2 more of this size!
Each drawer is labeled with contents;
should be alphabetized.
to the left, you can see the side of our large supply shelf
for boxes and bottles of safe chemicals: baking soda,
vinegar, bottles of polish, bottles of glue, etc.
Elementary Charts, with some supplies up above
(note the blue ball in upper left corner -
layers of the earth that the children helped put
together with clay - not teacher-made ;)
you can see our black timelines, seasons strips,
timezone strips, lamp,
timelines below with our impressionistic charts

The supply shelf we used.
The drawers pull out to hold larger items
than the hardware drawers on the right. 

On the clay in the one above photo: I love elementary, because I can explore WITH the children - I don't have to know everything or even have all the materials on hand! They can help put things together; go through the planning process, decision making, budgeting, etc. and then the learning is truly MUCH more their own! 

Art supplies
(we've actually rearranged this recently - I'll update soon)
This set-up could apply to both ages;
with specific intro art lessons on individual trays nearby.

This is just part of what we have done - all these images are from our co-op but each photo shows something similar or exactly to how we had it at home (850 square foot, 2 bedroom, apartment - yep, I like elementary! It fits more into a normal household.)